Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
1 7 8 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E
section is for you to enable them to think critically and theologically in regards to their own lives and ministry contexts. Again, the questions below are provided as guides and primers, and ought not to be seen as absolute necessities. Pick and choose from among them, or come up with your own. The key is relevance, now, to their context and to their questions. Case studies are designed to pose a real or invented situation in which the actual principles and concepts of the lesson are on display in real or virtual-world environments. The focus here is on wisdom, gaining the ability to wrestle with a actual principle of Scripture in a setting that is not necessarily clear, that demands both knowledge and reflection, and encourages the students to actually apply the teaching as leaders in a setting that has real consequences. Because of this, do not try to make it appear as if there is a single response that is acceptable within the various case studies. Of course, where such an application is present, please emphasize it. However, since most of the case studies allow for a number of “right answers,” the goal here is to enable the students to use their spiritual and intellectual gifts to propose “possible ways out” of the dilemma or issues they are facing. Make certain that the students understand the assignment for next week, especially the written piece. This is not difficult; the goal is that they would read the material as best as they can and write a few sentences on what they take them to mean. This is a critical intellectual skill for your students to learn, so make sure that you encourage them in this process. As a curriculum, however, for those students whose reading level finds these materials challenging or impossible, try to find alternatives for them. Have students share with one another, or give a brief summary of the key lessons of the assignment after the students have handed in their reading assignment sheets.
& 8 page 411 Case Studies
U r b a n M i s s i o n
& 9 page 413 Assignments
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