Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
M E N T O R N O T E S / 3 9
B. The next level up in our self-awareness is the Ethical Mindset of Poverty Work. 1. This is the highest level one can achieve without knowing Christ. 2. Nothing wrong with ethical poverty work 3. You have evolved beyond; from “I am here for me” to “I’m actually here for these people.” 4. It’s a win-win mentality. “I want to win, you want to win, so let’s work together and collaborate so that everyone wins in this situation.” 5. Ethical Poverty Work is the foundation of what God is calling World Impact to do, which is Redemptive Poverty Work. C. Finally, there is the Redemptive Mindset of Poverty Work. 1. Creative restoration through sacrifice 2. It has everything to do with motive and the rate of restoration through sacrifice. It’s following the pattern that Christ followed to redeem us. 3. Motivated to sacrifice our time and treasures because Christ did the same for us 4. We are not the savior of this community (we are working in) but Christ is the Savior. We want to introduce them to the ways of Christ so that they may be able to take a pathway of opportunity when it comes to them being in poverty.
R e d e m p t i v e P o v e r t y W o r k
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