Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

M E N T O R N O T E S / 4 1

• When we look at situations – people’s lives and neighborhoods – we always have faith that God can overcome this and that God can use me to make a difference in that situation.

Our Role as Redemptive PovertyWorkers Poverty is a condition, not an identity. 1. The big mistake of society is that our social class standing becomes our identity. It has a big influence on us. 2. We should engage that, and not allow our social status to become ALL of our identity. 3. Especially for those in poverty, their existence from a societal standpoint is put on a lower level of humanity because they don’t have a lot of financial resources. Most do not want to live in their neighborhood. 4. God uses people whether we are wealthy, or have no money at all, or are somewhere in between. 5. And as a side note – racial identity is tied up in all of this as well. You may not know where race begins, and social class ends. They really don’t. They are tied up in one big ball together, so that if you are black or brown, it’s assumed that you’re poor or live in poverty or know about poverty. 6. Our proper lens is to view people in poverty the same way we would view anybody else and not assign negative connotations to them. God has given them the same gifting and talents he has given everybody else. The Kingdom of God is moving amongst them through the power of the local church. 7. In Ephesians, the Apostle Paul understood that his identity was not in whatever condition he found himself in, but that his identity was always in being a child of God and follower of Jesus Christ.

& 4 page 55 Outline Point III


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