Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
4 8 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E
• Using the Church Year Calendar helps us to remember that, regardless of what may be happening in our lives and our hearts chronologically, we want to remember God’s story by attaching our personal lives, our personal ministry to the story of God.
Sabbath • Instead of constant advocacy, we follow a pattern of work and rest. • This is often violated amongst people who do ministry in communities of poverty. Personal Retreat • Instead of a life of busyness and distraction, we take time to orient our lives towards obedience to God. • Suggestion: take a workday once a month to reflect on your life, reflect on your work, look back at what’s happened in the last month and plan for the coming month. Tithing • Instead of anxiety about money, or worship of money, we generously give. • Figure out what you should be giving and give it away to entities that help the economically poor. • Make it a part of your own personal discipline to give of your own resources to the work of the Lord.
& 7 page 67 Outline Point B, 5
& 8 page 68 Outline Point B, 6
R e d e m p t i v e P o v e r t y W o r k
& 9 page 68 Outline Point B, 7
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