Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

6 0 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E

• Have I created a way to bring student questions to the surface and give them priority? • Will this help a student leave the classroom knowing what to do with the truth they have learned? Finally, because the Ministry Project is the structured application project for the entire course, it will be helpful to set aside part of the Connection section to have students discuss what they might choose for their project and to evaluate progress and/or report to the class following completion of the assignment.

Opening Activities

Steps in Leading a Lesson

• Take attendance. • Lead the devotion. • Say or sing the Nicene Creed and pray. • Check Scripture memorization assignment. • Collect any assignments that are due.

Teach the Contact Section • Use a Contact provided in the Mentor’s Guide, or create your own.

Oversee the Content Section • Present the Content of the lesson using the video teaching.

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