Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

M E N T O R N O T E S / 6 9

Conversion and Calling The Word That Creates

L E S S O N 1

Welcome to the Mentor’s Guide for Lesson 1, Conversion and Calling: The Word That Creates . The overall focus of this lesson is to enable urban Christian workers and leaders to appreciate, affirm, and apply the Scriptures to every facet of their lives and ministries. Above all other sources, materials, and tools that the man or woman of God employs to represent Christ and his Kingdom, nothing is more critical than the Word of God as the premier and final standard of truth and practice for Christian discipleship. Your task in this lesson is to help your students discover the power of Scripture, especially in its role to convert the Christian and confirm the calling of God in the leader’s life. Notice that every lesson has stated learning objectives, and these aims are meant to serve as guides for you throughout the lesson; they are clearly stated, and you ought to emphasize them throughout the lesson, and refer to them especially during the discussions and interaction with the students. The more you can highlight the objectives throughout the class period, the better the chances will be that the students come to understand and grasp the magnitude of these objectives. For this lesson, you will focus on the nature of the Word of God to create new life. Concentrate on this creative aspect throughout your leading of the lesson. Again, make certain that you gear your class session explicitly around these objectives, calling attention to them briefly before you enter into the class period. Draw the students attention to the objectives, for, in a real sense, this is the heart of your educational aim for the class period in this lesson. Everything discussed and done ought to point back to these objectives. Find ways to highlight these at every turn, to reinforce them and reiterate them as you go. Perhaps one of the most difficult issues you will have to face in your students is the tendency to take the Word of God for granted. Those who minister tend to ignore the pleasure and power of the Word of God for their own lives; in their haste to minister and work with and for others, they can find themselves dry and spent, without proper spiritual nourishment and enlightenment. This devotion focuses on

& 1 page 81 Lesson Introduction


B i b l i c a l S t u d i e s

& 2 page 81 Lesson Objectives

& 3 page 81 Devotion

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