Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

M E N T O R N O T E S / 7 1

This text highlights the principle that ought to be thoroughly discussed and understood during your question and response time.

Listed in this section are the fundamental truths written in sentence form which the students should have received from this lesson, that is, from the videos and your guided discussion with them. Do not hesitate to repeat concepts or truths for emphasis. Make sure that these concepts are clearly defined and carefully considered, for their quiz work and exams will be taken from these items directly. More importantly, seek to use the time well so you know that the students understand these fundamental ideas which define this lesson. In helping your students think through their own situations, you might want to design some questions or use those provided below as water to “prime the pump” of their interests, so to speak. What is significant here is not the questions written below, but for you, in conversation with your students, to settle on a cadre of issues, concerns, questions, and ideas that flow directly from their experience, and relate to their lives and ministries. What we are seeking here is the addressing of the critical concerns the students generate from their own questions and concerns, especially those that they consider most relevant in their ministry context right now. The goal of this section is for you to enable them to think critically and theologically in regards to their own lives and ministry contexts. Again, the questions below are provided as guides and primers, and ought not to be seen as absolute necessities. Pick and choose among them, or come up with your own. The key is relevance now, so be extremely open to them defining the issues and determining the questions that you answer now.

& 7 page 91

Summary of Key Concepts


B i b l i c a l S t u d i e s

& 8 page 92 Student Application and Implications

The nature of case studies is to allow the students to creatively apply the truths that they have been discussing to real or imagined situations. There are technically no correct answers in the sense that only one way can be determined to handle or comprehend them. What you seek

& 9 page 93 Case Studies

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