Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

7 2 / C O R N E R S T O N E C U R R I C U L U M M E N T O R ’ S G U I D E

through your consideration of these is the students’ ability to connect their learning with realistic ministry situations that will demand their diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of spiritual issues and problems. In a real sense, case studies are about creative problem solving, so help the students seek to connect their learning to the central issues that run through the situation. Have the students isolate the issues that need to be resolved, and articulate the biblical principles associated with their views. Help them to articulate their positions clearly, and encourage interaction with the students and the facts of the studies. Every lesson allows for each student to consider how the particular truths of the lesson relates and applies to their particular lives and ministries. Undoubtedly, the principles you cover relate to the lives of the students, and if you know how, you may emphasize them, or help the students to see the connections, and respond appropriately if they can. Application of the Word of God to their individual lives is the goal of this section. Encourage the students to reflect on their personal lives to see how the Holy Spirit might want them to apply these truths in their lives this week. Be available, if time permits, for specific counseling and prayer your students might have in their lives and ministries. The goal of all theological and missiological education is to enable individual students to make the Word of God come alive in their personal lives and through them in their assemblies and the ministries that flow from them. Your personal knowledge of the students, and their openness to you ought to provide some degree of counseling for you with them. Do not force it with your students, but be open to it, and expect it. The Scriptures will open up your students to God and his plan, so your readiness to help specifically and concretely is a pivotal part of your mentoring responsibility with them. Remind the students that the Word of God is for application, not merely reflection and discussion (James 1.22-25). Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you listen and respond to your students.


B i b l i c a l S t u d i e s

& 10 page 95 Ministry Connections

& 11 page 95 Counseling and Prayer

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