Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide
M E N T O R N O T E S / 8 7
or controversial way. They are discussion starters, meant to focus the attention of the students on the material about to be studied. As such, they are the springboard into the material, not the proverbial pool. In other words, use them to arrest the students’ attention and get them concentrated on the subject of the day. Be careful, however, that you do not take most of your actual lesson time on them. They are meant to introduce the lesson, not take the place of them. Discussing the material with the students is a critical element in the learning activity of each lesson. The following questions are designed to help you review the major concepts and claims brought out in the video. What you should aim to do is to engage the students in the ideas covered, making certain that you know that they have grasped the key ideas and the connections between them. As you dialogue with your students, do not hesitate to explain the concepts as you go. Undoubtedly from time to time, they will encounter an idea or theme that both intrigues and/or confuses them. On these, as well as all of your dialogue time, you will have to gauge your time well, especially if your students are intrigued with the concepts, and want to discuss their implications at length. Listed below are the fundamental truths written in sentence form which the students should have received from this lesson, that is, from the video and your guided discussion with them. Make sure that these concepts are clearly defined and carefully considered, for their quiz work and exams will be taken from these items directly.
& 5 page 143 Student Questions and Response
B i b l i c a l S t u d i e s
& 6 page 144
Summary of Key Concepts
The purpose of this section is to aid your students in applying the messages and truths of the Bible to their own individual lives. It is all too easy for us to dialogue and discuss the insights we have discovered in our investigation of the text and then miss its meaning for our
& 7 page 146 Student Application and Implications
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