Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition - Mentor's Guide

M E N T O R N O T E S / 9 1

These texts show the intimate relationship between praying to the Lord for wisdom, acknowledging him in all our ways, and receiving his truth and insight. Do not consider, therefore, the time you pray with your students an overly familiar or unnecessary thing. Always remind them of the role of prayer in authentic spiritual discovery, and challenge them to share their questions with the Holy Spirit connected to the ideas and truths presented in the lesson. Prayer is a wonderfully practical and helpful way to apply truth; by taking specific needs to God in light of a truth, the students can solidify those ideas in their soul, and receive back from the Lord the answers they need in order to be sustained in the midst of their ministries. Of course, everything is somehow dependent on the amount of time you have in your session, and how you have organized it. Still, prayer is a forceful and potent part of any spiritual encounter and teaching, and if you can, it should always have its place, even if it is a short summary prayer of what God has taught us, and a determination to live out its implications as the Holy Spirit teaches us. A major part of your work with the students is ensuring that they are prepared for the next class session and all the various elements that they will need to be responsible for. They will need to review the material for the quiz, memorize the Scripture references for the class session, read their portion in the assigned text, and report their findings in a written short summary. As to the written piece, remind them of what the particular goal is. In these lessons, the textbooks provide supplementary insights and complimentary truths to the outline material covered in the lessons. Their reading and writing assignment is not meant to either be difficult or discouraging. The ought to read the material as best as they can, and then write a few sentences on what they take them to mean. This is a critical intellectual skill for your students to learn, so make sure that you encourage them in this process. Of course, for those students who might find this difficult, assure them of the intent behind this assignment, and emphasize their understanding


B i b l i c a l S t u d i e s

& 11 page 151 Assignments

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