Cover | I |
Table of Contents | 5 |
About the Instructors | 9 |
Introduction to the Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition | 13 |
Course Description | 15 |
Course Requirements | 17 |
Part I: Redemptive Poverty Work | 27 |
Introduction to Redemptive Poverty Work | 29 |
Lesson 1: A Brief Theological Reflection | 31 |
Lesson 2: Toxic Poverty Work | 41 |
Lesson 3: Redemptive Poverty Work | 51 |
Lesson 4: Rhythms of Life and Poverty Work | 61 |
Part II: Bible & Theology | 73 |
Bible & Theology, Unit 1 - Biblical Studies | 75 |
Introduction to the Biblical Studies Unit | 77 |
Lesson 1: Conversion and Calling - The Word That Creates | 81 |
Lesson 2: Bible Interpretation - The Three-Step Model | 99 |
Lesson 3: The Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom - The Promise Given | 129 |
Lesson 4: The New Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom - The Messiah Opposed | 153 |
Bible & Theology, Unit 2 - Theology and Ethics | 173 |
Introduction to the Theology and Ethics Unit | 175 |
Lesson 1: The Kingdom of God - God’s Reign Inaugurated | 180 |
Lesson 2: God the Father - The Triune God – The Greatness of God | 197 |
Lesson 3: God the Son - Jesus, the Messiah and Lord of All – He Died | 219 |
Lesson 4: God the Holy Spirit - The Person of the Holy Spirit | 241 |
Part III: Ministry & Mission | 259 |
Ministry & Mission, Unit 1 - Christian Ministry | 262 |
Introduction to the Christian Ministry Unit | 263 |
Lesson 1: Theology of the Church - The Church at Worship | 267 |
Lesson 2: Foundations of Christian Leadership - The Christian Leader as Pastor – Poimenes | 291 |
Lesson 3: Practicing Christian Leadership - Effective Worship Leading | 315 |
Lesson 4: The Equipping Ministry - The Ministry of Proclamation – Kerygma | 335 |
Ministry & Mission, Unit 2 - Urban Mission | 361 |
Introduction to the Urban Mission Unit | 363 |
Lesson 1: Foundations for Christian Mission - The Vision and Biblical Foundation for Christian Mission | 367 |
Lesson 2: Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare - Spiritual Warfare – Binding of the Strong Man | 401 |
Lesson 3: Focus on Reproduction - Church Growth – Reproducing in Number and Quality | 415 |
Lesson 4: Doing Justice and Loving Mercy - Let Justice Roll Down –The Vision and Theology of the Kingdom | 441 |
Appendix | 469 |
Appendix 1: The Nicene Creed | 471 |
Appendix 2: Assignment Checklist for Part I: Redemptive Poverty Work | 473 |
Appendix 3: Assignment Checklist for Parts II and III: Cornerstone Units | 473 |
Appendix 4: Reading Completion Sheet Sample | 475 |
Appendix 5: Scripture Memory Grading Form Sample | 475 |
Appendix 6: Documenting Your Work - A Guide to Help You Give Credit Where Credit Is Due | 477 |
Appendix 7: List of Core Documents and Charts from Picturing Theology | 481 |
Ministry Assessment Program | 483 |
MAP Process - Diploma Students | 485 |
C3-303 Ministry Assessment Project - Agreement to Supervised Ministry Plan | 487 |
Course Instruction PlanC3-303 Ministry Assessment Project | 487 |
Outline for First Interview with Academic Advisor, Student, and Pastoral Supervisor | 502 |
Outline for Final Interview with Academic Advisor, Student, and Pastoral Supervisor | 503 |
Back Cover | 505 |