Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
5. What is the “grammatical-historical” method of Bible study, and how does the Three-Step Model relate to it? In the same way, how does the Three-Step Model help us understand the plain sense meaning of the text, and the overall unity of the Bible? 6. Why is it key to respect the integrity of the text as it has come to us in its various forms (e.g., poetry, songs, epistles, history, etc.), and how does the Three-Step Model do so? 7. Outline briefly the critical reasons involved in each step of the Three-Step Model . How does each of the three steps help us overcome some of the difficulties associated with understanding what the Bible teaches as an ancient text written in languages which are no longer spoken or used as they were at the time of the Bible’s writing? Explain your answer thoroughly. 8. How do humility, thoroughness, and a love of liberty in Christ affect our ability to know and apply God’s Word? What is the relationship between attitude and method in seeking to discern the Bible’s meaning? Which is most important? Give an example that illustrates your opinion. 9. Explain and defend the statement: “all legitimate biblical interpretation seeks to discern God’s Word for the purpose of life transformation , not mind information .” How does the Three-Step Model help keep our focus on life transformation and not just analysis of texts and words? To master the Word of God is the central and definitive skill for the man or woman of God, for it is the God-breathed Scripture that is able to make us competent workers and faithful servants of the Church, to enable us to equip others for ministry, and minister to the real needs of those both within and outside the Church (2 Tim. 3.16-17). There is no way that we can overemphasize the importance of your ability to handle the Word accurately (2 Tim. 2.15), to meditate upon it day and night in order to ensure success in the endeavors of God (Josh. 1.8), and guarantee the kind of fruitfulness and power you desire in every phase of your work for the Lord (Ps. 1.1-3). Listed below are the central concepts covered in this lesson on the Three-Step Model , so please review them diligently and carefully. Understanding this model can enable you to gain the knowledge and skills to become a workman of the Scriptures, approved of God and without shame as you handle his Word accurately and rightly.
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
Summary of Key Concepts
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