Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Stuart, Douglas K. Old Testament Exegesis: A Handbook for Students and Pastors . 3rd ed. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2001. Traina, Robert A. Methodical Bible Study . Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Company, 1985. The use of the God-breathed Scripture in many ways is the very center of valid kingdom ministry. Like Ezra in our devotion, your ability to study the Law of the Lord and to do it is the key to your teaching the truth of God in the midst of his people, the Church, and to those who do not believe. Every facet and strand of ministry relates directly to your mastery of the Word of God, and your willingness to allow that Word to master you! Reflect some time on the dimensions of your current ministry at home, on the job, in the church and the community, and ask the Holy Spirit to show you how your interpretation and application of the Word might enhance some dimension of your life and witness. Ask the Lord to reveal to you some area where the power of his Word must become more real and vital, and be open to changing your attitude or behavior in any particular situation that the Spirit brings to your mind. We Apply the Word of God in Community with Each Other Newbigin has suggested there is only one way the people of God can make the gospel credible: “ the only answer, the only hermeneutic of the gospel , is a congregation of men and women who believe it and live it . . . they have power to accomplish their purpose only as they are rooted in and lead back to a believing community.”These ecclesia [church, assembly] of real people, in real places, dealing with real issues, and in touch with human reality, as Calvin said, are the “real” expressions of Christ on earth as the community of God is in heaven.

Ministry Connections


B i b l i ca l S tud i e s

Counseling and Prayer page 79 & 4

~ Gareth Weldon Icenogle. Biblical Foundations for Small Group Ministry. (electronic ed.). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1994.

God has given us sure and certain promises regarding the power of prayer to transform us, empower us, and supply us with the provision and direction of the Lord. As discussed throughout this lesson, it is simply not possible to understand and apply the Word of God without prevailing prayer, the kind that with deep fervency and contrition asks God to supply us with the necessary wisdom to know and do his Word. Take time with your fellow students to share your requests to the Lord, without anxiety and with thanksgiving, making your requests (and not

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