Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
a. Matt. 3.17
b. Matt. 17.5
c. John 1.14
d. John 1.17-18
e. Jesus as the center of biblical revelation bridges the testaments, himself being the Shadow of the Old Testament and the Substance of the New.
f. He fulfills the sayings of the OT, including the prophecies of the Law and the Prophets, Luke 24.25-27.
g. He reveals the very person of God in his own person (i.e., he is the express image of his glory, the “Word made flesh,” cf. John 1.14-18).
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
5. The Old Testament explains and reveals the meaning of the New Testament.
C. Implication of progressive revelation for Christ-centered approach to Scripture interpretation
1. The testaments are intimately connected to each other.
2. The testaments both focus on God’s revelation regarding Jesus Christ and his kingdom reign.
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