Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
III. Promise and Fulfillment: the Christo-centric Nature of the Old Testament Revelation
Christ Is the Theme of Each of the Eight Sections of the Bible (Cf. Geisler, A Popular Survey of the Old Testament , pp. 21-24) 1. The Law (Genesis - Deuteronomy): Laying the Foundation for Messiah 2. History (Joshua - Esther): The Preparation for Messiah 3. Poetry (Job - Song of Solomon): The Aspiration for Messiah 4. Prophecy (Isaiah - Malachi): The Expectation of Messiah 5. Gospels (Matthew - John): The Manifestation of Messiah 6. History (Acts): The Propagation of Messiah 7. Epistles (Romans - Jude): The Interpretation and Application of Messiah 8. Prophecy (Revelation): The Consummation of All Things in Messiah
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
A. Definition of the promise-fulfillment motif: the promise of God for someone to redeem humankind from its sin and destroy the devil’s work is fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ.
B. Jesus gives convincing testimony within Scripture that the Old Testament’s purpose is to give witness concerning his person and work.
1. The road to Emmaus
a. Luke 24.25-27, 32
b. Here is a picture of Christ interpreting all the Scriptures (i.e., OT) as to how they explain and point toward his own identity.
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