Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about your own grasp and application of the concepts of progressive revelation and the promise-fulfillment motif. What you must do is ask pointed, direct, and open questions about your own understanding and mastery of these principles, and seek the ways in which you might need to apply this material directly to your own spiritual journey today. The questions below seek to anticipate some of the particular questions you may have in light of the material you have just studied. • What is my relationship to the Old Testament material – do I know all the books of the OT, have I read through the OT at least once, and do I have a steady habit of reading and applying the OT in my life and ministry today? • Did I have any grasp of the principle of progressive revelation before this unit of study, and if so, how did my knowledge of this actually influence the way in which I read and applied both the Old and the New Testaments? • Do I tend to emphasize the connection and continuity between the Old and New Testament, or the differences between them? Explain. • Do I tend to read all of the Bible with an eye toward the ways in which this text or these Scriptures might connect either backward to the life and revelation contained in the Old Testament, or forward to the life and work of Jesus of Nazareth, who is the fulfillment of the Old and full revelation of the New? How so? • Could I have written what Augustine said: “In the OT the NT lies hidden; in the NT the OT stands revealed.” Does the way I handle the Scriptures really show how much I believe in the unity of the OT to the New? • In the church I attend, does the preaching and teaching reflect the connections between the Old and New Testament brought out in our discussion of the complimentary relationships between them (i.e., that the OT provides introduction to the NT’s conclusion about Christ, the OT’s anticipates the person and work of Messiah with the NT identifying Jesus of Nazareth as the climax of that anticipation, etc.)? • How much do I worship and serve God with this kind of historical understanding that the motif of promise and fulfillment brings out? Do I focus most of my time on the past, the present, or the future in my Bible reading, meditation, and prayer?
Student Application and Implications page 87 & 7
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
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