Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Course Description

The Cornerstone Curriculum is high-quality training for Christian leaders who may not need or have the time for training that takes several years. It provides knowledge and skills for Christian leadership in a succinct format. This excellent training covers three major parts.

Part I: Redemptive Poverty Work Redemptive Poverty Work offers a fresh perspective on how to empower those living in the condition of poverty. Students examine their ideas concerning those who live in the condition of poverty and learn how to do godly and effective work among them. Part II: Bible & Theology The Biblical Studies unit equips students to minister the Word of God with accuracy and effectiveness. The servant of Christ must master the biblical content, submit to its injunctions, and teach its truths. The Theology and Ethics unit equips students to articulate and defend fundamental Christian truth. The favorite subject of Jesus himself was the Kingdom of God. It was his salvation message, master plan, and heart theology. This unit explores the kingdom story – the King and his Kingdom – and sees its importance in the life of personal discipleship and ministry. Part III: Ministry & Mission The Christian Ministry unit equips students to skillfully tend the flock of God, the Church. Jesus of Nazareth has been exalted as head over his new people, the Church. We focus on the critical role of the Church in personal and corporate discipleship. Indeed, there is no discipleship or salvation apart from God’s saving action in the Church. The Urban Mission unit equips students to represent Christ as an ambassador of his Kingdom. We focus on the Christian faith as a response of mission, the call to go to the nations and proclaim Jesus of Nazareth as Lord and King of the reign of God.

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