Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Spend time in prayer for yourself and your colleagues, asking that God would enable you to grow in your knowledge and application of the biblical concepts of progressive revelation , of the promise-fulfillment motif, and of your own mastery and appreciation of the unity underlying both the Old and New Testament. Ask God to grant you a new love and insight into the Bible’s revelation about the majesty and centrality of Jesus Christ, and ask him for a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit so you can prove in experience Augustine’s epigram: “In the OT the NT lies hidden; in the NT the OT stands revealed.” Prayer is a powerful, effective, and God-ordained way to receive his wisdom (James 1.5), never underestimate the power of prayer in your study of the Word of God. Pray fervently for yourself and for your fellow students, and ask the Lord for his generous supply and help – he is more than willing to provide it.

Counseling and Prayer page 90 & 10


Luke 24.44-48

Scripture Memory

To prepare for class, please visit to find next week’s reading assignment, or ask your Mentor.

Reading Assignment


As usual you ought to come with your reading assignment sheet containing your summary of the reading material for the week. Also, you must have selected the text for your exegetical project and turn in your proposal for your ministry project.

Other Assignments page 91 & 11

B i b l i ca l S tud i e s

In our next lesson, The New Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom: The Messiah Opposed , we will explore the Jewish concept of the Kingdom of God at the time of Jesus. We’ll see how the nation of Israel, oppressed by political powers, believed that when Messiah came, the Kingdom of God would come in power, restoring the material universe and saving humankind from the control of Satan. Of course, Jesus proclaimed the Kingdom present, and demonstrated its reality in his healings and exorcisms, revealing the Kingdom’s presence in his own person and ministry. Again, there can be little doubt that the depth of our ministry and leadership can proceed no further than the depth of our knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Messiah of God and Lord of all.

Looking Forward to the Next Lesson

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