Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Always remember, as you endure troubles and trials, tribulation, hatred, and hardship, that our Lord endured the same, and will help us to persevere till the end.

After reciting and/or singing the Nicene Creed (located in the Appendix), pray the following prayer: Almighty God, whose blessed Son was led by the Spirit to be tempted by Satan: Come quickly to help us who are assaulted by many temptations; and, as you know the weaknesses of each of us, let each one find you mighty to save; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. ~ Episcopal Church. The Book of Common Prayer and Administrations of the Sacraments and Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, Together with the Psalter or Psalms of David . New York: The Church Hymnal Corporation, 1979. p. 218.

Nicene Creed and Prayer

Scripture Memorization Review

Review with a partner, write out and/or recite the text for last class session’s assigned memory verse: Luke 24.44-48.

Turn in your summary of the reading assignment for last week, that is, your brief response and explanation of the main points that the authors were seeking to make in the assigned reading (Reading Completion Sheet).

Assignments Due


B i b l i ca l S tud i e s


Is the Health-Wealth Gospel Heretical? Many now proclaim a gospel which promises ease, comfort, and blessing in the face of a world becoming increasingly violent, vicious, and unjust. The heart of this gospel is the belief that the death of Jesus won for the believer a triumphant victory which touches every area of life without stain or admixture of trouble or trial. If our faith is firm, if our confession is clear, and our affirmation of the Word of God steadfast, we will receive the health and wealth of the Lord, the blessings which come to those whose faith remains unwavering and strong. This lifestyle of blessing and victory is indicative of saving faith; those who cling to God are assured of a level of blessing and grace that will not diminish,

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