Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


b. He declared himself to be Yahweh’s Servant who would end all oppression in his person, Luke 4.18-19.

c. He is the Word made flesh , the actual manifestation of God in human form come to earth, John 1.14-18.

2. Jesus is the presence of the future .

a. The fulfillment of the promise of Abraham, Gal. 3.13-14

b. The one appointed to rescind the effects of the curse, cf. Isa. 11

c. The Victor who would bring a final and full end to Satan’s rule and authority, cf. Gen. 3.15 with 1 John 3.8

d. The Messiah anointed by God to inaugurate the age to come in this present age


B. General outline of Jesus’ role as Messiah fulfills the kingdom promise of the one who would bring down the effects of the curse and the works of the devil

B i b l i ca l S tud i e s

1. The mission of Messiah Jesus was to destroy the works of the devil, 1 John 3.8.

2. The birth of Messiah Jesus represents the invasion of God’s reign into Satan’s dominion, Luke 1.31-33.

3. The message of Messiah Jesus was that the Kingdom of God was at hand, present for all to see in his person, Mark 1.14-15.

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