Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


III. Messiah Opposed by Spiritual Powers: Healings and Exorcisms in the Life of Jesus

A. The Kingdom has come in Jesus: healings and miracles

1. Jesus’ healings were signs of his Messiahship and the Kingdom’s presence in the world.

2. Jesus opposed the effects of the curse : he was endowed with authority over all the effects of the curse, including disease, corruption, even death.

a. He opened blinded eyes, John 9.1-7.

b. He fed over 5,000 with a few loaves and fish, Mark 6.30-44.

c. He commanded the raging winds and storms, Matt. 8.23-27.


d. He healed the lame, the paralyzed, and the crippled, Mark 2.1-12.

B i b l i ca l S tud i e s

e. He even raised the dead, John 11.

3. All of Jesus’ miracles were signs of his kingly authority as Messiah to reassert God’s kingdom rule on earth.

a. Jesus’ ministry is signs of his kingly right to demonstrate God’s power in our world, Acts 10.36-38.

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