Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
3. All of Jesus’ encounters with the devil can be viewed as signs of his kingly authority as Messiah to reassert God’s kingdom rule on earth.
a. Heb. 2.14
b. 1 John 3.8b
Conclusion • Jesus is the fulfillment of the Messianic promise of the Old Testament in its hope for the Kingdom come. • The coming of Messiah in Jesus differed from the contemporary Jewish view, and yet fulfilled the Messianic promises of the Kingdom. • Jesus as Messiah received opposition from and overcame great spiritual forces during his public ministry on earth, including the effects of the curse and the renegade lordship of the devil. The following questions were designed to help you review the material in the video. In the person of Jesus of Nazareth the Kingdom of God has come, reasserting God’s right to rule in the midst of a world plagued by the effects of the curse and the vicious oppression of the devil. Be clear and concise in your answers, and where possible, support with Scripture! 1. In a short paragraph or statement, explain the various elements which made up the Jewish concept of the Kingdom of God at the time of Jesus. Why did the Jews of Jesus’ day find it difficult to believe that he, a humble carpenter’s son from Nazareth, might actually be the Messiah? 2. In regards to the element of time, how did the Jewish concept of the Kingdom differ from Jesus’ own view of the Kingdom’s coming? 3. In what sense does Jesus declare the prophecies of God’s coming Kingdom to be fulfilled in his person at the time of his ministry? Be specific.
Student Questions and Response
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