Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
• Jesus provided indisputable proof of the Kingdom’s inauguration and realization as Christus Victor in his glorious resurrection and ascension.
I. The Kingdom Reign of God Has Been Inaugurated and Realized (in a Final Sense) in the Person and Works of Jesus Christ. “The distinctiveness of the Kingdom of God, in the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth, is that the reign of God has come and is now present, in some degree on earth.”
Video Outline page 107 & 5
A. Jesus of Nazareth declared himself to be the fulfillment of Messianic promise.
T heology and E th i c s
1. Luke 4.18-19
2. Fulfillment of the Year of Jubilee prophecy of Isaiah 61
B. Jesus of Nazareth is the Word made flesh: Jesus is himself the Incarnation of the Kingdom.
1. John 1.14-18
2. Jesus’ coming into the world represents the fulfillment of the promise of Abraham, the beginning of the end of Satan’s rule and authority, and the inauguration of the age to come in this present age.
C. Signs of the Kingdom’s presence realized in Jesus’ coming
1. Luke 17.20-21
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