Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


E. Display of the Kingdom as “already” (inaugurated and realized)

1. His mission , 1 John 3.8

2. His birth represents the invasion of God’s reign into Satan’s dominion, Luke 1.31-33.

3. His message was that the Kingdom of God was at hand, Mark 1.14-15.


4. His teaching represents the ethics of the Kingdom, Matt. 22.37-38.

T heology and E th i c s

5. His miracles reveal for all to see his kingly authority and power, Mark 2.8-12.

6. His exorcisms represent the “binding of the strong man,” Luke 11.14-20.

7. His life and deeds reveal the glory of the Kingdom, John 1.14-18.

8. His death represents the defeat of Satan, and the penalty of sin, Col. 2.15.

II. Second, God’s Reign Is Inaugurated and Realized through Jesus as Christus Victum , the Warrior Whose Death Defeats the Powers of Evil, and Pays the Penalty of Sin.

A. Jesus Christ as Paschal Lamb of the Covenant

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