Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


4. Jesus as Warrior of God in the cross

III. Finally, the Kingdom Is Inaugurated in Jesus as the Christus Victor , the One Who Overcomes through His Resurrection and Ascension.

A. The cardinal revelation of Christianity, according to the Apostle Paul, is the teaching of the resurrection of Christ. If Christ has not been raised, says Paul:

1. The preaching of the Apostles was worthless.


T heology and E th i c s

2. Our faith in their testimony is in vain.

3. The Apostles are charlatans, liars, since they are found to have misrepresented God.

4. Our faith is futile.

5. We are still in our sins.

6. Those Christians who have fallen asleep have completely perished, having hope only in this life.

7. Finally, we are the most pitiful people on the planet.

8. But thank God! 1 Cor. 15.20.

B. The resurrection of Jesus is the sign of God’s propitiation, the proof of our justification, and the sign of Jesus’ exaltation.

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