Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


k. The disciples at his ascension, Luke 24.44-53

l. Stephen prior to his martyrdom, Acts 7.55-56

m. Paul on the road to Damascus, Acts 9.3-6

n. Paul in Arabia, Acts 20.24

o. Paul in the temple, Acts 22.17-21


p. Paul in prison at Caesarea, Acts 23.11

T heology and E th i c s

q. The Apostle John at the Apocalyptic vision of Revelation, Rev. 1.12-20

D. What his resurrection signifies

1. His resurrection is a sign of his divine Sonship, Rom. 1.4.

2. His resurrection is a fulfillment of the Davidic covenant as Peter suggests in his sermon at Pentecost, Acts 2.25-31.

3. His resurrection also reveals that Christ is now the source of new life for all who believe in him, 1 John 5.11-12.

4. His resurrection is to a place of headship and exaltation as Head of the Church, Eph. 1.20-23.

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