Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Christ, who as Christus Victum (i.e. through his death on the cross) and Christus Victor (i.e. through his resurrection and ascension) has ushered in this present age the Kingdom of God. • God renewed his covenant promise from Abraham, to Isaac and Jacob, to the people of Israel, to the tribe of Judah, to the family of David, and finally through Jesus Christ, who has realized the Kingdom in a final sense through his person and work. • In Jesus of Nazareth, the covenant promises of Abraham and the prophetic promises of the Old Testament witness to Messiah have been fulfilled. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Messianic promise. • In Jesus’s life and ministry, the authority and power of God’s reign has been inaugurated and manifested. Although much of the Kingdom’s fulfillment is future, the Kingdom already has been demonstrated in the incarnation of Jesus on earth. • Jesus’ death broke the power of the devil and his minions, as well as paid the penalty for our sins. As ultimate sacrifice and Great High Priest, Jesus has paid it all for humankind, as the Christus Victum . • Jesus’ resurrection occurred: a sign of his divine Sonship, a fulfillment of the Davidic covenant, a confirmation that God has forgiven us for our sins, and a token of the first fruits of all those who one day will rise again to eternal life through faith in him. • The ascension of Jesus to the Father’s right hand is a visible sign of Jesus’ authority and headship, as Head of the Church and the armies of God, as Lord of the harvest work of mission, and as Conquering Lord of all, who soon will come and consummate the Kingdom. Now is the time for you to discuss with your fellow students your questions about the Kingdom of God inaugurated and realized today. The implications of Jesus having brought the Kingdom into view are numberless and important, and undoubtedly you will have questions regarding the significance of his work on your life and ministry. What particular questions do you have in light of the material you have just studied? Maybe some of the questions below might help you form your own, more specific and critical questions.


T heology and E th i c s

Student Application and Implications

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