Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


b. Yet, the Bible also speaks of three different persons within this Godhead who share the same authority, substance, and essence.

c. God, therefore, must be a triune God.

3. Basic implications

a. The Trinity, while the word is not in Scripture, is essentially a biblical teaching, or rather, an attempt to take the Bible seriously.

b. The Trinity is incomprehensible (beyond our ability to understand).


T heology and E th i c s

c. The Trinity should inspire awe, humility, and worship.

B. God is one God.

1. The Decalogue, Exod. 20.1-6

a. The Lord God is the one true God. No other gods are to receive his worship and due.

b. All other gods are idols. Only the Lord made the heavens and delivered his people.

c. God is jealous; he will not share his glory with other deities or idols.

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