Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
b. The Great Commission, Matt. 28.19
c. The Corinthian benediction, 2 Cor. 13.14
5. Jesus’ claim of oneness with the Father
a. John asserts that Jesus is the Word, being with God, who is God, and giving revelation of God, John 1.1-18.
b. Jesus and the Father are one, John 10.30.
c. The one who sees Jesus has seen the Father, John 14.9.
T heology and E th i c s
d. The Father and Jesus shared a fundamental glory before his self-emptying for our salvation, cf. John 17.21 with Phil. 2.6-8.
II. Views of the Trinity from History
A. The Economic View: the three persons are involved in various dimensions through both creation and redemption.
1. Hippolytus and Tertullian (early fathers of the Church)
2. This view made no attempt to explore the relations among the three members of the Trinity.
3. Focused on creation and redemption: Son and Spirit are not the Father, but are connected to God in his eternal being
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