Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


If you are interested in pursuing some of the ideas on the nature of the Trinity and the greatness of God the Father Almighty, you might want to give these books a try (be warned, these are not easy readings!): Charnock, Stephen. The Existence and Attributes of God . Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1996. O’Collins, Gerald, S. J. The Tripersonal God: Understanding and Interpreting the Trinity . Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 1999. White, James R. The Forgotten Trinity: Recovering the Heart of Christian Belief . Bloomington, MN: Bethany House Publishing, 1998. The doctrine of the Trinity and the greatness of God the Father are not merely theological themes to be studied and filed away. On the contrary, these are the great truths of the faith, and those who meditate long upon them are changed forever as a result of the reflection. Relating these great truths to your life and ministry can transform them; the price is concentrated application of the Word of God to your own life. As you meditate on the teaching in this lesson, ask the Lord how he might want you to enrich, change, or alter your ministry approach because of the truths the Holy Spirit has pointed out to you here. As you meditate on these truths, and think about your own life and ministry connected to them, seek to discern what the Spirit might be calling you to do right now, if anything, about these truths. Spend time before the Lord meditating on the truth of God’s nature and greatness, and ask him how and in what way you might creatively apply the teaching here. Also, as you consider writing your ministry project for this unit, you might want to connect your assignment to some theme here. Seek the Lord regarding his direction, and come back next week ready to share your insights with the other learners in your class. In pondering these truths on the nature of God as triune Lord and on the greatness of God the Father Almighty, one begins to see the sufficiency of our God to meet every need, not only in one’s personal life but in the lives of those whom we love and serve. Maybe in the course of this lesson, while meditating on the greatness of the Father, some pressing need has been made known to you. The Holy Spirit has caused you, perhaps, to focus on a particular issue, need, or concern, and you need to seek the Lord for his strength and aid in it. Now is the time to share your need and pray for one another. If time does not permit for you to intercede together now, enlist a prayer partner with whom you can share your burden and who will lift up your requests to the Lord. Of

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