Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
sermons and homilies are on subjects of wide public interest, usually avoiding topics and themes which are overtly theological and doctrinal. When the cross is presented, it is usually done in a way that highlights the self-actualization of the hearer rather than as an explicit solution to the transgression of humankind. Teachings on the blood sacrifice of Messiah have been replaced by homilies on positive thinking and building family memories. Many of the old hymns which highlighted the wonder, power, and mystery of the cross have been replaced by a flood of choruses, all of which focus on the joy of the worshiper and not the underlying suffering that makes worship possible. While many churches continue to emphasize the cross as the central event in salvation history, our methods of evangelism and outreach tend to focus on more positive themes for the sake of attracting new visitors. What is your opinion as to the growing and strange silence of the cross in the preaching, teaching, and worship in our churches today?
Jesus, the Messiah and Lord of All – He Died His Humiliation and Death
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
The humiliation of Jesus Christ, to use the theologian Oden’s language, deals with his descent from the heavenly realms in his divine glory to come to earth and die on behalf of the world. This lowliness was reflected in every dimension of Jesus’ Incarnation and earthly life, from his birth to his life and ministry. The culmination of this lowliness and humility is revealed in his passion and death on Calvary. His death may be understood through various dimensions which enable us to understand better the nature of our salvation in him: his death was a ransom for us, the propitiation for our sins, a substitutionary sacrifice in our place, a victory over the devil and death itself, and a reconciliation between God and humankind. Our objective for this lesson, His Humiliation and Death , is to enable you to see that: • The humiliation of Jesus Christ is represented by his descent from the heavenly realms in his glory to come to earth to suffer and die on behalf of the world. • Jesus revealed his lowliness and humility in every dimension of his Incarnation, in his birth and throughout his life and ministry.
T heology and E th i c s
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