Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
d. Jesus entered and lived in the world in the humblest, most ordinary way imaginable (2 Cor. 8.9).
2. At his return, we will give an account to our Lord of how we treated the poor during our lifetimes (Matt. 25.31-46).
a. We will have to provide evidence of what we did to create pathways of opportunity for those who live in the condition of poverty (Matt 25.35-36, 42-43).
b. Jesus equated taking care of people who are hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, and in prison as taking care of him (Matt 25.40, 45).
R edemp t i v e P ov e rt y W ork
c. This is not done to earn salvation, but rather to live considering the grace we have been extended by Christ (Eph 2.8-10).
C. Jesus warned against riches.
1. Jesus emphatically taught against the common mentality that being wealthy guaranteed salvation (Matt. 19.23-30).
2. He taught that money is the primary thing we need to guard against becoming an idol (Matt. 6.24).
3. He taught that money has no owners, just spenders and that we should not put our identity in wealth (Luke 12.13-21).
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