Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


• Uncommon Church: Community Transformation for the Common Good – Chapter 2: What Would Jesus Do? Poverty Is a Condition, Not an Identity – Chapter 7: There Goes the Neighborhood: Understanding the Powers That Be Summarize each book reading with no more than a paragraph or two per summary. In this summary, please give your best understanding of what you think was the main point in the reading. Do not be overly concerned about giving detail; simply write out what you consider to be the main point discussed in that chapter of the book. Use the Reading Completion form. Submit a Reading Completion Sheet for readings for each book (if you are completing this course in World Impact U, use the “Submit Assignments” green bar at the top of any page in your Redemptive Poverty Work course in WIU). Discuss the Case Study: Some friends ask you to visit the Christian food pantry they volunteer at. As someone they trust, they want you to observe and give your opinion on its operations. The first thing you notice as you walk up are some shirtless guys gambling, smoking, and drinking right around the entrance. When you walk in, you are struck by how dark and dingy the interior is. Things seem chaotic and you cannot discern any rhyme or reason to how people receive their groceries. People are getting antsy waiting. Then a young preacher comes into the waiting area and gives a sermon. When he is done, everyone raises their hand to receive Christ. After about an hour, the first person goes forward to get a bag of groceries, which turns into a huge argument between the volunteer and the customer over food choices. The volunteer tells him that he gets whatever is given to him, and he should be happy about it. Afterwards, you go out to lunch with your friends to discuss your observations. What do you tell them?



R edemp t i v e P ov e rt y W ork

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