Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


2. Christians doing poverty work may come to believe that their faith cannot explain the injustices they confront daily.

B. Many Christians struggle to understand the value and role of the local church when it comes to poverty work.

1. The Two Structures of God’s Redemptive Mission , Dr. Ralph Winter (August, 1973)

a. He defined the two types of organizations (modality and sodality) that God uses in every human society to work towards redemption.

b. Organizations that have proven their worth and stood the test of time, such as churches and denominations, are considered a modality.


R edemp t i v e P ov e rt y W ork

c. A sodality is an organization more focused on a narrowly defined mission – a means of expression God uses within a historical moment, such as a Christian mission agency, nonprofit, or parachurch.

d. Dr. Winter’s conclusion was that the best pathway towards redemption was for modalities and sodalities to work in harmony. He suggests that God’s redemptive activity requires both types of organizations.

2. Advocacy should be viewed as your formal or informal way of living out the mission of your local church.

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