Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Toxic Poverty Work outlines the type of poverty work that naturally arises from our sinful nature. In order to become more self-aware of our biases, we must renew our thinking concerning our own poverty work, admit where we have participated in doing toxic poverty work, and identify the marks of toxic poverty work. If you are interested in pursuing some of the ideas from this lesson, Toxic Poverty Work , you might want to give these books a try: Sanders, Alvin. Bridging the Diversity Gap . Indianapolis: Wesleyan Publishing House, 2013. Davis, Don L. Winning the World: Facilitating Urban Church Planting Movements , Foundations Course, Wichita: TUMI, 2007, 2012. Davis, Don L. Get Your Pretense On! Wichita: TUMI, 2018. Take some time to meditate on how the Holy Spirit is connecting the material from this lesson Toxic Poverty Work to your life and ministry. How might you think, or act differently in a real situation based on this lesson? Does this lesson cause you to reconsider any of your past thoughts or actions? Pray that our Lord would show you examples from your own life where this lesson may apply.

Restatement of the Lesson’s Thesis

Resources and Bibliographies


Ministry Connections

R edemp t i v e P ov e rt y W ork

Ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart concerning Toxic Poverty Work . Offer yourself anew to our Lord’s service as a redemptive poverty worker. Pray that he would provide both the insight and the courage to apply what you are learning.

Counseling and Prayer


Memorize John 1.14 from a standard translation.

Scripture Memory

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