Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart concerning Rhythms of Life and Poverty Work . Offer yourself anew to our Lord’s service as a redemptive poverty worker. Pray that he would provide both the insight and the courage to apply what you are learning.

Counseling and Prayer


No Scripture memorization this lesson.

Scripture Memory

No assignments due this lesson.

Reading Assignment

Prepare for the Final Exam. The final will include questions taken from the first three quizzes, and new questions on material drawn from this lesson. Also, you should plan on reciting or writing out the verses memorized for the course on the exam. Make sure that you spend time reviewing your chapter reading and covering your notes, especially focusing on the main ideas of the lesson. Congratulations on completing Cornerstone Part I: Redemptive Poverty Work. These lessons provide the context for the rest of the Cornerstone Curriculum. Our engagement in the topics of Biblical Studies, Theology and Ethics, Christian Ministry, and Urban Mission have as their aim to equip redemptive poverty workers who will glorify God by serving Christ and his Church. Your next lesson will begin Cornerstone Part II: Bible and Theology . The first unit, Biblical Studies , will give you the tools to minister the Word of God with accuracy and effectiveness. According to the clear testimony of the Scriptures themselves, God equips his representatives through the Spirit-breathed Word of God, the Scriptures. Everyone God calls into the ministry must determine to discipline themselves so as to master its contents, submit to its injunctions, and teach its truths. Like a workman (or work-woman!) they must strive to handle the Word of truth accurately, and so be approved of the Lord in their study (2 Tim. 2.15).

Other Assignments page 51 & 14



R edemp t i v e P ov e rt y W ork

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