Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
Take his yoke upon yourself, and learn of him – this is the key to godly servant leadership in Christ. My sincere prayer is that all of these blessings and more become yours as the Holy Spirit enables you to explore the principles and practices of interpreting his holy and eternal Word!
Unit Assignments As a part of your participation in the Cornerstone Curriculum, you will be required to do an exegesis (inductive study) on a passage in the Word of God:
Exegetical Project
a. Psalm 110.1-4 b. Isaiah 55.1-10 c. Luke 24.36-48 d. 2 Timothy 3.14-17
The purpose of this exegetical project is to give you an opportunity to do a detailed study of a major passage on the nature and function of the Word of God. As you study one of the above texts (or a text which you and your Mentor agree upon which may not be on the list), our hope is that you will be able to show how this passage illumines or makes plain the significance of the Word of God for our spirituality and for our lives together in the Church. We also desire that the Spirit will give you insight as to how you can relate its meaning directly to your own personal walk of discipleship, as well as to the leadership role God has given to you currently in your church and ministry. The memorized Word is a central priority for your life and ministry as a believer and leader in the Church of Jesus Christ. There are relatively few verses, but they are significant in their content. Each class session you will be expected to recite (orally or in writing) the assigned verses to your Mentor. a. 2 Timothy 3.16-17 b. Psalm 1.1-3
Memory Verses
c. Luke 24.44-48 d. John 15.18-20
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