Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition
b. 1 Chron. 16.14-17
C. God provides understanding for his Word through the sending of his Holy Spirit to believers, 1 Cor. 2.9-16.
1. The unbeliever (i.e., “natural man”) does not have the Holy Spirit, and therefore cannot understand the Word’s message or teaching.
2. The spiritual person, (i.e., the one who has and is led by the Holy Spirit), not only understands what the Word of God says, but escapes the judgment of those who fail to comprehend it.
B i b l i ca l S tud i e s
3. The same Spirit who inspired the Word is the one who interprets it, 2 Pet. 1.21.
II. The True Sign of Discipleship Is to Continue In and Abide In the Word of God as Nourishment.
A. The sign of true discipleship is to continue in and abide in the Word of Christ.
1. John 8.31-32
2. “Abide” is to remain present, to make one’s home in, to dwell in, Ps. 1.1-3.
3. The sense of abiding is similar to the OT notion of meditation.
a. Ps. 1.1-3
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