Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


a. John 17.22

Taken as a whole, the Bible differs in its subject and purpose from any other book in the world. It stands supreme as reflecting the place of [humankind] and [its] opportunity of salvation, the supreme character and work of Jesus Christ as the only Savior, and gives in detail the infinite glories that belong to God himself. It is the one book that reveals the Creator to the creature and discloses the plan by which all [humankind] in all [its] imperfections can be reconciled in eternal fellowship with the eternal God. ~ Lewis Sperry Chafer. Major Bible Themes . Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974. p. 29.

b. Col. 3.4

B. When we submit to God’s creative Word, it provides us with strength and direction in order to accomplish this purpose of honoring and glorifying him.

1. It discloses our inner motives and desires, Heb. 4.12.


2. It aligns our wavering hearts with the majesty of God’s eternal purpose.

B i b l i ca l S tud i e s

a. Scripture as the joy and rejoicing of our hearts, Jer. 15.16

b. The Word of God causes great movement deep inside our hearts as we yield to its power, Jer. 20.9.

3. It transforms us by the renewing of our minds to the perfect will of God, Rom. 12.1-2.

Conclusion • The Word of God is infused with God’s own life and is the means by which the Holy Spirit creates new life in those who believe. • True disciples of Jesus Christ abide in this implanted Word. • The Holy Spirit teaches us that the ultimate purpose of the created universe is to glorify Almighty God. • The Scriptures, the Word that creates, enable us through the Spirit to glorify God as we live under God’s rule.

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