Cornerstone Curriculum, Official Certification Edition


Bible Interpretation The Three-Step Model


page 75 & 1

Welcome in the strong name of Jesus Christ! After your reading, study, discussion, and application of the materials in this lesson, you will be able to: • Give evidence to show how the Three-Step Model is an effective method of biblical interpretation designed to help us understand the truth of Scripture and bridge the gap between our ancient and contemporary worlds. • Provide a definition of the Three-Step Model of biblical interpretation, and recite it without aids: “to so understand the meaning of the original situation that we may discover general principles of truth which may be applied in our personal lives in the Spirit’s freedom.” • Highlight the ways in which all study of the Word of God must unfold the meaning and message of God’s final revelation to us in the person and work of Jesus Christ. • Demonstrate your knowledge of how the Three-Step Model corresponds to the grammatical-historical method of Scripture interpretation, which affirms the plain sense of its meaning, God’s progressive revelation in Christ, the unity of the Bible, and the integrity of the text. • Reproduce the critical reasons for each step in the Three-Step Model , including why each is necessary, the difficulties associated with each, the key attitude required in each step, the activities associated with each one, as well as an example of each step in Scripture. • Distinguish between the kinds of attitudes necessary for each phase of study in the Three-Step Model : humility, thoroughness, and liberty for each of the phases respectively. • Show through personal use of the Three-Step Model how each of the key stages focuses on the text in such a way as to credibly discern its purpose of illumination of the text’s meaning, and the transformation of our lives through the joy of discovering biblical principles for life.

Lesson Objectives


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