God the Son, Student Workbook, SW10

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The Center and Circumference: Christianity Is Jesus Christ Don L. Davis

Introduction: The world that we live in is not the one which appears to be the real one, but typically is the one that we or another has composed for us to live in.

Callin’ Something Somethin’

Three umpires at an umpires convention boasting to each other about their prowess as major league umps: I. Umpire One: Some call ‘em balls and others call ‘em strikes, but I call ‘em how I see ‘em! II. Umpire Two: Some call ‘em balls and others call ‘em strikes, but I call ‘em what they truly is! III. Umpire Three: Some call ‘em balls and others call ‘em strikes, but they ain’t nothin’ till I call ‘em somethin’! What is the essence of the Christian faith journey, the nature of Christian theology and doctrine, the heart of Christian ethics, the core of Christian hope? It is the person of Jesus Christ. He is the center and the circumference of the Christian’s faith and practice. All that we are, all that we believe, and all that we understand God is doing in the world is related to this unique and yet humble person:

• Of whom we know little regarding his appearance and personage

• Who didn’t travel 200 miles from his place of birth

• Of whom we have only a few birth narratives and a story regarding his adolescence • Whose years of life from twelve to thirty are silent, even from those who adored him the most

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