Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Urban Community and Neighborhood

Segment 2: PWR: A Process for Ministry Development

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

In order to be good stewards of the precious resources of God entrusted to us, we must seek out a philosophy of ministry management that maximizes opportunities in urban Christian outreach and justice. One such strategy is the Prepare, Work, and Review approach, or PWR. All solid ministry management is founded upon a theology of God’s purpose and wisdom, a theology that can face and refute the major objections raised about planning and valid spiritual ministry. Our objective for this segment, PWR: A Process for Ministry Development , is to enable you to see that: • Prepare, Work, Review (PWR) is the name given to a simple but effective approach to manage our efforts to do justice and love mercy in urban neighborhoods. • All efforts toward ministry and work are rooted in God’s character and work, in both his being a God of purpose in accomplishing his will in the world, and as a God of wisdom, who carries out that purpose with perfect understanding, timing, and approaches. • Although leaders and churches may plan in such a way as to undermine the leading of the Spirit, it is also possible to plan in such a way that is open to God, flexible to circumstances, and responsive to the moving of the Spirit. PWR rightly organized can be such a disciplined, flexible approach. • Preparing members of a team involves the discipline of concerted prayer for his wisdom and leading, clarifying your identity and mission, seeking God’s face about ways in which he wants you to meet these needs and challenges, and making plans and assignments to help the team accomplish their tasks. • Working involves mobilizing the members of the team in such a way that they both identify and use their gifts in an organized way. Team members work the plan, which is monitored during the phase of implementation. • Reviewing our work includes our task to evaluate the results of our efforts in order to determine the next steps of God’s leading. This involves a critical analysis of our effort, checking its fruits, and using the information to ask

Summary of Segment 2


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