Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

understand the relationship between what God has called us to do, and our ability to be open to change as he leads us to do it. Answer the following questions with these insights in mind, and be open to your own particular questions as you explore now the implications of this material. * Why is it important to affirm that God is maker and Jesus is Lord before one begins to attempt great things for God? Why is it important not to take ultimate responsibility for change upon oneself as we begin our ministry before the Lord? * What is your role in the church today, and how is God using your role to help you better understand what your gifts and calling are to serve in the body of Christ? * List out the various contexts and ministries in which you currently serve Christ. Of all the areas on your list, which do you feel most equipped to serve, and which do you feel list equipped to serve? What kind of input and training do you need to enhance your ability to serve Christ honorably in your present situation? * Describe your own theology about the relationship of the Church to the world. How does your view square up with the classic models of the church/world relationships covered in this lesson? * How would you currently describe your attitude toward your church and its relationship to your community? Is your church engaged in advancing the Kingdom, and what does it appear the Spirit is saying to the leaders in your church about your church’s responsibility to be more involved in doing good works in your community? * How would you say that you are being a neighbor, salt, light, or a priest in your community? What are the biggest challenges facing your church in fulfilling its ministry among the most vulnerable and voiceless in the city? * Are you currently carrying out your ministry outreach or service according to a plan like the Prepare, Work, Review (PWR) covered in this lesson? What is your reaction to methods of planning and strategy, and howmuch do you believe these kinds of approaches enhance or interfere with our ability to operate in God’s purposes and wisdom?


* What particular skills and aptitudes must you learn in order to make an approach like PWR useful and effective in your ministry context? What

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