Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
C. God is the God of justice as well as the God of justification .
1. God’s concern for the broken, the poor, the oppressed, the abused of humankind lies at the heart of the ministry of the Messiah, Luke 4.18-19, cf. Isa. 61.1-4.
2. The same God of salvation is the God of justice, Ps. 146.5.
3. God hates inhumanity to human beings anywhere and everywhere it manifests itself, cf. Amos 2.4-8.
III. Implications of God’s Majesty in Kingdom Expression
A. Because God is a God of all nature, his kingdom rule in Christ must be expressed in a call to freedom .
1. All creation is under the curse: universal slavery and bondage , Rom. 8.19-23
2. Jesus’ incarnation and passion: freedom over the law, over sin, over the devil, and over death, 1 John 3.8
3. The Church expresses its freedom: experiencing God’s freedom and prophesying deliverance to the captives, Gal. 5.1; John 8.31-32
B. Because God is a God of creation, his kingdom rule in Christ must be demonstrated in an expression of wholeness (shalom) .
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