Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
7. What can be said of those who reject the offer of God’s grace in Christ–do they still share God’s likeness as human beings? Explain. 8. In light of the insights above, what would you consider to be the fundamental ground for doing justice and loving mercy among the poor in the city? How does this ground inform us of the worthiness of each person in the city, regardless of the character of their lives and histories?
This lesson focuses upon the theology and vision of the Kingdom, both in terms of God as our creator who is concerned about the world and those who live within it. We also considered the power of the image of God in every person, and how that image serves as the ground for doing justice and loving mercy among the poor in the city. Although Christians have traditionally taken differing positions in regards to the Church’s relationship to the world, we must engage it. The Church is both the locus and agent of the Kingdom of God in the world but not of it . The God and Father of our Lord Jesus is a God of nature, creation, and justice, as well as a God of salvation, covenant, and justification. In addition, we saw in this lesson how the ground for doing justice and loving mercy among the poor in the city is the affirmation of the imago Dei in every boy, girl, woman, and man. Every person is worthy of care because they share in God’s unmatched, unique, and irreplaceable imago Dei . Review these and related concepts in their listing below. In order to understand the Christian’s responsibility to do justice and love mercy in the world, we must carefully define the relationship of the Church to the world, and both of their relationship to the Kingdom of God. As the Creator and Maker of the heavens and the earth, our God is concerned about the world and those who live within it. The word most commonly used in the NT to refer to the world system is kosmos , meaning “order, arrangement, ornament, adornment.” It speaks of structure and orderly arrangement of its belief and conduct systems. Traditionally, Christian communities have taken various positions to the world. These have included the idea of withdrawal from it, living in tension with it , or accepting responsibility to transform it.
Summary of Key Concepts
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