Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
1. What is the relationship between the Church’s call to demonstrate God’s love and mercy to its own members, and those who stand outside the Church? What practical difference ought this to make when we confront need, whether inside or outside the Church? 2. What is the responsibility of believers to care for the members of their own marriages, families, and extended families? How does the Bible instruct us about caring for the other members of the Church? 3. Briefly describe what the Scriptures say about our responsibility as kingdom people to care for our neighbors, for strangers and foreigners, and even our enemies. 4. What role does the doctrine of God’s sovereignty play in understanding God’s choice to use various entities and agencies as channels of his care and mercy? Describe briefly the roles and limits of how God uses individuals and families, local congregations, care communities and organizations, and governmental institutions and agencies to display his kingdom life to others. 5. In what way does the local church play a unique role in communicating God’s mercy and love to others? Explain your answer with Scripture. 6. Give your understanding of the biblical injunction for believers to do good to all people, but especially those of the household of faith. Is this a form of legitimized favoritism? Explain your answer. 7. How does the example of Jesus in selfless service inform all forms of Christian care-giving? 8. In what ways are Christian leaders called to equip the members of the church for the work of the ministry? In what sense, therefore, ought we to consider all Christians as ministers and Christian leaders as equippers for the work of the ministry ? 9. Why is it important to love others with wisdom, and even sometimes based on their willingness to work? In what way ought we in helping others seek to eliminate the underlying cause of the problems and not merely the symptoms of the problems ? Explain. 10. What role does the sharing of the good news of salvation relate to our efforts to offer generosity and hospitality to those in need of help? Is it valid to offer aid without offering too the good news of Christ? If so, under what circumstances?
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