Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Mentor's Guide, MG16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

In reviewing the material in this lesson, you may observe that many intersections can be made with its content and your own ministry. The key to transformation is both the renewal of your mind with the truth of God (Rom. 12.1-2), and your faithful application of the Word of God in your own very practical ministry connections (James 1.22-25). Much of ministry growth is application and experimentation ; informed by the principles we have learned, we design particular projects of application where we go and test our theory in real life situations regarding our learning. As we said in our previous lesson, the Holy Spirit plays a significant role in this application and experimentation. As you meditate upon these truths, what has the Spirit been suggesting to you about your own life and ministry? Are there specific areas of concern which have continued to come to mind throughout your study of this lesson, concerns which you want to explore further, thinking and praying about them throughout this upcoming week? Pin down a few key concerns that you will choose to meditate upon this next week, and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in regards to your own specific application of these truths for your life and ministry today. Share with your mentor and fellow students some key areas of concern that you need the Lord’s leading and blessing in, in order to apply these truths fully to your own situation. Are there individuals that you want others to pray for, specific issues and needs that require the Lord’s intervention, or even upcoming events or encounters that God must direct you in light of the insights gained in your study this week. Be specific in your requests, and be open to hearing the concerns and needs of your fellow students as you set aside time this week to intercede for them.

Ministry Connections


Counseling and Prayer

page 318 7

Ephesians 2.8-10

Scripture Memory

To prepare for class, please visit to find next week’s reading assignment, or ask your mentor.

Reading Assignment

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