Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
4. Describe the nature of the conflict between the Church and the world as mentioned in the Word of God. In what ways do these two entities share different sources of authority, power, and purpose ? 5. In what way has God specially called the Church to be a witness of God’s kingdom rule in every community where Christians worship and gather? What are the areas in which the Church is called to bear witness of the Kingdom’s coming in Jesus Christ, in other words, how is the Church to demonstrate its witness to Christ? 6. Describe the model of the Church withdrawing from the world and its affairs . What are the arguments in favor of and those opposed to this view? What is your opinion about its validity? 7. Describe the model of the Church transforming the world through direct oversight . What are the arguments in favor of and those opposed to this view? What is your opinion about its validity? 8. Describe the model of the Church living in tension with world. What are the arguments in favor of and those opposed to this view? What is your opinion about its validity? 9. Describe the model of the Church living in the world as a prophetic witness to the world of the Kingdom’s coming . What are the arguments in favor of and those opposed to this view? What is your opinion about its validity? 10. Of these four models, which one do you find most convincing, which do you find least convincing? 11. Which of the four models of the Church in the world mentioned above have special significance for urban congregations seeking to do justice and love mercy in their communities?
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