Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16
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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S
1. In what ways are we as believers commanded to flesh out the ethic of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom in the world? Are we responsible only for our own families and neighborhoods, or does our responsibility extend to the “ends of the earth?” Explain your answer with an appeal to Scripture. 2. Define the term “world Christians.” In what way does this phrase express our responsibility to be aware of and address the various issues touching the lives of people around the world? 3. What does it means to think globally but act locally ? How does one go about gaining this particular skill, and what role does the local congregation play in helping members of the body to learn this way of approaching ministry and service? 4. Explain the meaning of the phrase “each local congregation is both an outpost and beachhead of the Kingdom, called to demonstrate freedom, wholeness, and justice in its engagement with the world.” Why is it so necessary that each congregation take on this responsibility to respond as a representative of the Kingdom where they live and work? 5. What is the relationship between engaging in open and honest dialogue with others as well as providing them with a clear witness to the Gospel of Christ? How ought we to address the practical, felt needs of the community as we seek to bear witness to Jesus and his Kingdom to others? Does one take precedence over the other? Explain. 6. If the likelihood for change or victory are small or slim on a particular issue, ought we to pursue it at all? How are we called to engage the world with the claims of Jesus and his Kingdom–ought we to share only where the likelihood for change is great? 7. Why are the issues of poverty and oppression, protection of the environment, dealing with ethnocentrism and difference, and responding to war and violence so important in today’s world? As disciples of Jesus, what are the various levels at which we are called to engage these great issues, and which level is most important for our purposes as kingdom representatives? 8. What is the role of theology and doctrine as we seek to respond aggressively to poverty and oppression and the protection of the environment? What doctrines are especially important in regard to the issues of poverty and the environment?
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