Doing Justice and Loving Mercy: Compassion Ministries, Student Workbook, SW16

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D O I N G J U S T I C E A N D L O V I N G M E R C Y : C O M P A S S I O N M I N I S T R I E S

Now is the time for you to focus on your ministry assignments. You are responsible to now apply the insights of your module in a practicum that you and your mentor agree to. The goal is plain and simple: you are asked to share some of the insights you have learned in this module of doing justice and loving mercy. Your intent with your audience should be both information and edification; think of all the ways that this teaching can influence your devotional life, your prayers, your response to your church, your attitude at work, and on and on and on. What is significant is that you seek to correlate this teach with your life, work, and ministry. The ministry project is designed for this, and in the next days you will have the opportunity to share these insights in real-life, actual ministry environments. Pray that God will give you insight into his ways as you share your insights in your projects. Are there any issues, persons, situations, or opportunities that need to be prayed for as a result of your studies in this lesson or module? What particular issues or people has God laid upon your heart that require focused supplication and prayer for in this lesson? Take the time to ponder this, and receive the necessary support in counsel and prayer for what the Spirit has shown you. No amount of study, information, or effort can begin to match the power of prayer in your life, for the sake of your own life and those whom you live and teach. Never underestimate the power of faith-filled, godly prayer: James 5.16 - “The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.”

Ministry Connections

Counseling and Prayer


No assignment due.

Scripture Memory

No assignment due.

Reading Assignment

By this time in your study of this module, you should have determined, outlined, and submitted all information pertaining to you ministry and exegetical project. Your instructor should now be outlined, determined, and accepted by your instructor. Make sure that you plan ahead, so you will not be late in turning in your assignments.

Other Assignments

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